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AI Tinkerers Denver - December Meetup

This event happened in the past.
Wednesday, December 20th, 2023
5:30PM to 8:30PM (MDT)
Code Tech
3412 Blake St, Denver, CO Directions...
8 / 40
40 max

This event happened in the past.

🗓️ December 20th from 5:30pm - 8:30pm 🗓️

AI Tinkerers Denver Meetup Surprise Holiday Edition!

Does that mean I’ll be dressed as Santa Clause? No, probably not.

But it does mean that 2023 is closing out with all sorts of advances in state of the art AI, especially the open source goodness we love so much!! If you have any fun, cool, new, confusing AI project you’d like to present on, submit your demo/talk.

Your hosts, Junaid Dawud and Alex Volkov, will kick things off, then we may have a few demos/talks. Then, for this Holiday edition, I’d love to circle up the chairs and share an informal open discussion on AI in 2023 and also speculate, dream, and plan for the year ahead.

I hope to see many familiar faces, but if you haven’t attended before, please come join us!!

In lieu of the normal ‘snacks’ I bring, I’ll have some pie and desserts!


AI Tinkerers is for individuals building, tinkering, and working with machine learning, LLMs, and generative AI. If you’re keenly interested in learning and building system, models, applications, and projects that use AI or have hands-on experience with AI and are eager to connect with others who share your passion, then this is your!

The purpose of AI Tinkerers is to promote sharing between individuals, facilitate learning and collaborations, and support each other in innovating in this rapidly evolving space. Tinkering and building in AI requires experimentation and that is augmented when an open sharing of challenges and discoveries can take place, and we strive to create such an environment of camaraderie and mutual support.


Please submit your talk or demo proposal if you’re interested in presenting!


If you’re interested in providing sponsorship for the AI Tinkerers Denver meetup or are interested in partnering with us, please reach out to the event host Junaid Dawud at [email protected]

🗓️ Note from Junaid 📝

My apologies for the late announcement, I wasn’t sure I was actually going to be able to make the date I’d arranged! Until today. The good news on the scheduling front is that I’ve already arranged dates for January and February! Those event pages will be posted soon.

Contact AI Tinkerers - Denver-Boulder